Developers strive to build the worlds most environmentally
responsible high-rise office tower.
Kevin Jeselnik
In 2008, a new kind of office tower will rise in New York
City. The Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park, co-developed
by The Durst Organization and Bank of America, will serve
as a beacon for environmentally responsible construction.
When the $1 billion project comes on-line, the companies will
have created the worlds most environmentally responsible
high-rise office building in the heart of the countrys
largest city.
Bank of America and The Durst
Organization are co-developing the Bank of America
Tower at
One Bryant Park.
The developers of the 52-story Bank of America Tower, located
on Sixth Avenue between 42nd and 43rd streets, are taking
every measure to ensure the 2.1 million-square-foot office
building fits in perfectly with the surrounding urban environment.
Bank of America and New York City-based The Durst Organization
are equal partners in the development and ownership of the
project, with Bank of America signing a 20-year lease for
1.1 million square feet, where it will establish its New York
With the largest development site in Midtown Manhattan ready,
construction began on the Bank of America Tower in August.
The project is significantly improving the surrounding Bryant
Park area, including considerable upgrades to pedestrian and
underground thoroughfares and the rebuilding of the historic
Henry Millers Theater. Most important, however, are
the countless environmental considerations being taken.
Using the U.S. Green Building Councils guidelines for
environmentally responsible buildings, the developers are
attempting to erect the first high-rise office building to
attain a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
Platinum designation. The Platinum designation indicates the
highest level of energy efficiency and environmental consideration.
According to Douglas Durst, co-president of The Durst Organization,
We want to concentrate on providing a healthier and
better workplace environment [for the buildings occupants].
The Durst Organization has a long history of providing New
York City with environmentally responsible green buildings.
Another Durst project, Four Times Square, built in New York
City in 1999, previously set the standard for green office
buildings. The company is deeply committed to continuing responsible
development. The various collaborators on the One Bryant Park
project share Dursts vision. Bank of America has remained
committed to integrating environmental policy into every level
of its operations, believing that environmental and economic
sustainability are intrinsically linked.
Bank of America Tower general contractor Tishman Construction
and architecture firm Cook+Fox also worked with The Durst
Organization on Four Times Square.
Four Times Square was the poster child for the Department
of Energy for 3 years, notes Robert Fox, partner at
Cook+Fox. Nothing else came along in that time period.
Now, with the development of the Bank of America Tower, a
new standard is being set for the construction of green office
buildings. Along with the use of mostly recycled and recyclable
building materials in the construction, numerous considerations
are being taken to ensure that the tower consumes less potable
water and uses dramatically less energy.
Water conservation is one of the many focuses in developing
the tower. New York receives approximately 4 feet of rain
each year. According to Durst, the building will collect all
of the rainfall the building receives and reuse it throughout
the building.
Were also going to take the condensate from every
air conditioning system and from our steam system which
is thousands of gallons of water and collect that together
with the storm water, adds Fox. Then, were
going to treat it in a minor way and use it to flush the toilets
and for the cooling tower make-up.
To conserve the amount of energy that a 2.1 million-square-foot
office building would consume, a 5 mega-watt cogeneration
plant will provide power on-site.
By using electricity on-site you save about a 10 percent
loss in transmission, notes Durst. Youre
able to use the heat from the plant to heat and cool the building,
which saves you another 30 percent to 40 percent. Then the
building becomes 70 percent to 80 percent efficient as opposed
to the 30 percent efficiency of utilities generation.
The crystalline skyscraper will employ floor-to-ceiling windows
to allow in maximum amounts of natural light to reduce the
energy needed to illuminate the buildings 52 floors.
In order to provide occupants with the healthiest workplace
possible, carbon dioxide monitors will automatically introduce
more fresh air when necessary.
Aside from its efficiency and environmental responsibility,
the tower will give back to New York City in many other ways.
The project is a state-sponsored development. While this makes
it virtually exempt from New York City zoning, with state
sponsorship the inclusion of certain public amenities is expected.
However, according to Fox, [The building team] is providing
three times the amenities that would be required under the
current law. [Bank of America and The Durst Organization]
want to be really good neighbors in this part of town and
give back to the public with this building.
Special consideration was given to the cultivation of an inviting
and accessible pedestrian and underground network. Sidewalks
are being widened and new stairways are being constructed
down into the subway system. An urban garden room is being
added, serving as a public atrium where pedestrians can enter
and enjoy the building.
One of the most important facets of the development is the
reconstruction of the Henry Millers Theater. Once a
notable playhouse, the building has fallen into disrepair.
Restoration plans for the theater include the preservation
of the buildings historic outer façade and the complete
renovation of the interior.
The façade of the Henry Millers Theater
is a landmark. The rest of the building was really in sad
shape, says Fox. Were going to totally rebuild
it into a state-of-the-art Broadway playhouse. The 50,000-square-foot
playhouse will come online at approximately the same time
as the tower in 2008.
The project represents the culmination of a 38-year effort
on behalf of The Durst Organization to assemble the property
and surrounding sites up and down Sixth Avenue. With the acquisition
and development of the property, The Durst Organization now
owns and operates more than 6.1 million square feet of real
estate within a five-block radius on or around Sixth Avenue.
[The Durst Organization] began to assemble the property
from 42nd to 47th streets, between Sixth and Seventh avenues,
in the 1950s, notes Durst. We saw that Third Avenue
would soon be completely developed and realized that the next
place to be developed would be Sixth Avenue.
With this project, all members of the team have illustrated
their continued commitment to the environment, to New York
City, and to its people. Bank of America and The Durst Organization
are creating a project that should spark other companies to
develop equally efficient and responsible buildings.
©2004 France Publications, Inc. Duplication
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from France Publications, Inc. For information on reprints
of this article contact Barbara
Sherer at (630) 554-6054.