Allentown, Pennsylvania Multifamily
Allentown, Pennsylvania, is currently experiencing a marked
increase in multifamily development. There has been increasing
interest in residential developments within the center city
district as more people seek to relocate to that area. The
west end is also feeling the effects of heightened consumer
interest. Throughout the city, demand for housing has spurred
numerous developments.
With a population of 106,632 people, Allentown is the third
largest city in Pennsylvania according to the 2000 U.S. Census
numbers. Because of its large and growing population, the
city is in position to undergo a significant surge in development.
The largest concentration of residents is in center city,
where 32,398 individuals reside. There are significant projects
throughout the district, as young professionals and empty-nesters
look to move into the downtown area.
In Allentowns center city there are more than
150 lofts currently under development and 70 units of new
infill rowhomes, notes Ed Pawlowski, director of the
Department of Community and Economic Development for the city
of Allentown.
This is the first new development in the center city
area in 20 years, according to Pawlowski. He adds that
because of the increasing demand, new projects are developing
rapidly and the market can easily absorb another 200
units [on top of current developments].
There are a number of loft conversions and historic rehabs
under development, adds Pawlowski. In center city, a building
is being converted to house 40 loft units that will be named
Auburn Street Apartments. Other redevelopments include the
Eighth Street Apartments, the Sixth Street Apartments and
the Farr Building, all of which will be converted to 20-unit
loft complexes.
According to Pawlowski, there are a number of smaller developments
under construction as well.
Along with the influx in multifamily construction, several
developers that are new to the area have begun projects. Companies
such as PennRose, Westrum, K. Hovnanian and Nic Zawarski &
Sons have projects underway in the Allentown market.
Vacancy rates have remained low, between 3 and 5 percent,
even with the large amount of development activity. There
are no problems absorbing the new space. Rental prices for
the popular loft units range from $600 to $1,200.
Developers in Allentown are reacting strongly to increasing
demand for new multifamily residences with the most activity
the area has seen in two decades. Even with the numerous projects
underway, the market is still in position to absorb significantly
more development. According to Pawlowski, the market is in
an upward growth cycle with no evidence that it will decline
in the near future.
©2004 France Publications, Inc. Duplication
or reproduction of this article not permitted without authorization
from France Publications, Inc. For information on reprints
of this article contact Barbara
Sherer at (630) 554-6054.