How employees use technology determines the design of new office space.
By Dorran Prescott

Collaborative space at Fallon Worldwide in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

As technology continues to shape the way we work, people are connecting with clients and coworkers in new ways. Architectural and interior design are adapting to new work behaviors to provide spaces that promote collaboration, support flexible schedules, and are compatible with today's technology. The modern workday is what we make it. Conference calls may be attended by those wearing slippers or those who have their toes in the sand. As a result, the office has become more of a “home base” and must be designed to support its changing role.

A Look Back

The late 1990s spawned a new concept in corporate America: “hoteling.” This practice of providing office space to employees on an as-needed basis became the trend of the moment, but the technology of the time wasn’t sufficiently advanced to support it.

Design Today

These days, technology has surpassed everyone’s wildest expectations. The capabilities for remote connection have called into question the need for traditional office space. The temptation to leave behind the business suits and rush-hour commutes is backed by the plain good economic sense of cutting overhead by cutting down on rented space.

Offices, however, are a physical manifestation of company identity and provide an environment for team building, collaboration, and innovation. The value of the physical office is too great to abandon. Instead, offices can be designed to optimize the benefits of a company workspace while minimizing square footage. Thus, we return to the “hoteling” concept: design that combines the transitional space with all the creature comforts and capabilities of the personal office.

Hoteling supports the developing trend of shared workstation/office space. Corporations are making an effort to right-size the office by giving employees the opportunity to work from home; when the employee's presence on-site is required, the company provides zones that can be reserved in advance and ready when the employee rolls in — exactly like a hotel room.

In this scenario, employees are often given a mobile pedestal or locker for personal items; they schedule their use of assigned workstations. Executives and managers are provided with permanent workstations that can be personalized. For meetings, they can reserve an office that will provide everyone with enough space and enough privacy. Scheduling can be mapped out for days, weeks, even months at a time, and can be monitored by security badge swipes or office managers to avoid space pirating. Preferred workstations and office locations can be determined by a number of methods, from first-come/first-served to earned-rewards systems.

The Future

Workspace interior design should not only support changing work patterns, but inspire change in the way we think and interact when we're at work. Non-traditional interiors spur innovative teamwork. For example, many offices are now being designed to feel less like offices and more like home. The reason behind this trend is unknown. (Some believe it was an attempt by managers to keep employees at work longer.) But the truth remains that a more comfortable space fosters a more collaborative environment. Companies can create these environments with subtle design choices such as a kitchen table-like lounge or soft seating arrangements that give employees the chance to share ideas in a family room setting.

At Perkins+Will, we are helping many clients embrace this trend of a more flexible work environment. For example, we are currently working with Microsoft to provide alternative collaboration settings, from beanbag-chair conference rooms to adjustable standing tables. Often these rooms are located in crossroad areas that invite a sharing of ideas in a comfortable arena. A complementary new space type is the quiet zone, which acts as an extension of the workstation environment and allows employees to focus on a specific task without the technological distractions of phone calls and emails.

In a time when a coffee shop can be a traveler's workspace — serving up free Wi-Fi and better-than-your-office coffee — the benefits of working inside the office have changed. As designers, we can help corporations make the most of their real estate by capitalizing on these technological and cultural shifts. In today's market, the greatest value we offer our clients may be to provide them with tools for successful growth and profitability.

Dorran Prescott, NCIDQ, LEED AP, is a senior project manager with the Boston office of Perkins+Will.

©2010 France Publications, Inc. Duplication or reproduction of this article not permitted without authorization from France Publications, Inc. For information on reprints of this article contact Barbara Sherer at (630) 554-6054.

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