Like-kind exchange as an exit strategy for investors in
affordable housing.
Jeffrey W. Sacks, Forrest D. Milder and Jonathan C. Black
One important challenge facing the affordable housing industry
is meeting the needs of individuals who invested more than
15 years ago in affordable-housing projects that involved
tax credits. Finding a good exit strategy for these individual
investors is a thorny problem that confronts syndicated limited
partnerships owning these older affordable housing properties.
The exit strategy issue affects the individuals who originally
invested in the limited partnerships and it impacts the partnerships
general partners, potential buyers and developers of the properties,
and, indirectly, tenants and companies that do work related
to the affordable housing in question.
The Haunting Effects of Phantom Income
Originally, individual investors in these limited partnerships
received tax benefits from their affordable housing investments
through depreciation deductions. But by now some 15
years later those tax benefits have been exhausted,
and the individual investors are often left with the resulting
phantom income. Projects generate phantom income
when they are creating taxable income without yielding comparable
cash flow, typically because all or part of the operating
income is used to make pay-down debt principal payments on
the projects debt, which, unlike most interest payments,
are not tax-deductible. Thus an investor owes tax on this
income, but he or she isnt receiving any cash to help
pay the tax.
The phantom income leads investors to seek a solution that
will alleviate their tax burden. However, it is difficult
to find a solution that will satisfy all stakeholders. Most
limited partners with negative capital accounts look to defer
this huge tax problem without current tax liability. At the
same time, other investors do not face this tax burden, because
they have carried forward passive losses or because they have
inherited their partnership interest (along with stepped-up
basis), and therefore, are willing to be bought out and bring
their investment to an end.
Definition of Terms
Basis is what an investor pays for
a property.
Adjusted basis is that amount less
depreciation deductions taken over the years.
Stepped-up basis is an adjustment
to the basis in the property which happens when an owner
sells the property, or he dies, and another person inherits
the property.
Phantom income is the situation that
occurs when rental income is being used for something
that is not deductible (for example, making principal
payments on the buildings financing), and the partnership
(and therefore, its investors) have taxable income, but
they do not have any cash to pay the resulting tax liability.
Forrest Milder, Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP |
Both scenarios have inherent problems. Holding on to affordable-housing
projects that generate phantom income may yield tax costs
for the individual investors who make up the limited partnership.
But, in many cases, direct sales of the projects can generate
depreciation recapture and capital gains tax liabilities for
those individual investors.
One solution is to combine a careful restructuring of the
limited partnership with a tax-free like-kind exchange,
using leveraged properties leased to investment-grade tenants
with properly structured financing. This enables partners
who formerly had phantom income to remain in the partnership;
but they now hold an interest in an investment-grade net-leased
property with restructured debt, allowing them to benefit
from a significant deferral of taxable income. At the same
time, the program can allow the other partners, who have stepped-up
basis, to be bought out from their investment, satisfying
the needs of all constituents.
Finding out which strategy holding, selling, or using
a like-kind exchange is right for a given set of limited
partnership investors requires a Goldilocks-style
approach, in which various options are examined to find out
which is most appropriate for a given project and set of limited
The Credit-Tenant Solution Just Right
The concept of tax-deferred, like-kind exchanges under Section
1031 of the Internal Revenue code is, of course, not new.
But, it has always been difficult to find the right kind of
properties to match the needs of investors in tax-credit properties
and to make a like-kind exchange feasible. However, there
is now an emerging trend that involves the trading of investment-grade
credit-tenant commercial properties. These credit-tenant properties
have 20- to 30-year triple-net leases with established, investment-grade
tenant companies such as large retailers or Fortune
500 corporations that have sold and leased back their
headquarters buildings. In a triple-net lease, the building
tenant bears the responsibilities for operational costs, such
as upkeep, maintenance and taxes, for the duration of the
When a like-kind exchange is made between an affordable-housing
project and a credit-tenant commercial property, the debt
on the credit-tenant property is structured to limit or eliminate
the phantom income problem the individual investors in the
partnership previously faced, and to defer their tax liabilities
for up to 20 years. Because many of the individual investors
involved in these older affordable housing limited partnerships
are by now themselves older individuals, a 20-year deferral
of tax liabilities may mean that, by the time any tax is due,
their interests in the partnership will have been transferred
to heirs, with the step up in basis that such a transfer entails.
For the individual investors, such a like-kind exchange should
be viewed as deferring virtually all tax liability for 20
years or more, but also adding a modest risk of immediate
tax liability, with no cash available, if the credit tenant
files for bankruptcy during the duration of the lease.
An Exchange that Works for Everyone
How does such a like-kind exchange work in practice? Typically,
a like-kind exchange does not literally involve a swap of
one property for another. Instead, under the IRS regulations,
a holder of property can get tax-free treatment when it sells
that property, has the sales proceeds delivered to a qualified
intermediary (QI), and then instructs the QI to use the proceeds
to buy a different or replacement property which
is deeded directly back to the holder. For example, where
the original property is an affordable housing project, it
could be transferred to a housing developer that wishes to
renovate it, and who may, as the new owner, receive tax-credit
benefits for doing so. That developer will pay the cash portion
of the purchase price to the QI, who will hold the cash until
the new credit-tenant commercial property has been identified
for acquisition by the limited partnership, and then it will
use the proceeds from the sale of the housing project to purchase
a credit-tenant property, which is transferred to the partnership
that previously owned the housing project. The result: the
individual investors in that partnership, which now owns the
credit-tenant property, are put in a more favorable tax position;
the affordable housing project is recapitalized with new debt
and is renovated by its new owners; and those new owners,
in turn, get both low-income housing tax credits and depreciation
benefits. (Note that many technical rules apply to limit the
availability of the tax credit to the new owner of the project.
For example, under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue code,
the new developer can qualify for acquisition
tax credits only if no more than 10 percent of the partnership
interests are common to both the new partnership and the partnership
that previously owned the project.)
This type of like-kind exchange is most optimal for housing
projects that have large negative capital accounts, low basis
(i.e., their original cost, reduced by the depreciation deductions
taken) and low net value. A careful review of regulatory restrictions,
project financing restrictions, and the limited partnership
agreement is necessary to determine if a like-kind exchange
makes sense for a given affordable housing property.
Jeffrey W. Sacks is a partner at Brown Rudnick Berlack
Israels LLP. Forrest D. Milder is the Chair of Brown Rudnicks
Tax Practice Group, and practices principally in the areas
of federal and state taxation. Jonathan C. Black is a partner
at Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP.
The Real Estate Group at Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels
works in conjunction with Net Lease Capital Advisors, which
specializes in solutions to complex real estate and tax issues.
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from France Publications, Inc. For information on reprints
of this article contact Barbara
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