The end result often outweighs difficult challenges in
adaptive reuse.
Jeff Gill, AIA
MCG Architecture designed a
Bed Bath & Beyond store to fit an existing
building at First Avenue and 61st Street in Manhattan.
In life, change is constant and can often be a good thing.
Of course, change is regularly a difficult concept for most,
full of hurdles and opposition. From an architectural standpoint,
when change involves the conversion of an existing structure
into a new use an office tower converted into a mixed-use
retail/multifamily property, for example it is a daunting
task that involves multiple physical and logistical challenges
that must be successfully navigated to ensure the success
of the property.
A common conversion project of late has been the transformation
of an existing office tower into a mixed-use multifamily project
with multiple levels of retail space on the bottom floors.
Conversions of this sort are becoming common throughout the
country as undeveloped land becomes scarcer and cities attempt
to re-energize their urban cores with 24-hour populations.
The architectural requirements for an office structure and
a mixed-use property are obviously quite different, making
conversions of this sort very difficult.
Plainly speaking, a mixed-use retail/residential building
does not fit into an office tower. The layouts are not compatible;
the building is simply not meant to be. Yet, the architect
must find a way to fit the square block into the existing
round hole. The most common challenges that architects must
overcome with these types of conversions regularly include
divergent bathroom layouts requiring multiple vertical shafts;
the introduction of balconies and required drainage systems,
which need to be incorporated into the interior of the building;
entry and access needs for multi-disciplines are quite different;
retail layout requires uncommon, often unorthodox design,
as well as vertical challenges for shoppers and their carts;
and the time-honored jurisdictional challenges encountered
with any major construction project.
Clearly, the central core requirements as designed in a typical
office tower differ from those in a mixed-use project. The
conversion process requires a fundamental redesign of the
core restroom and building use layouts, yet confronts the
problem of immovable pipes and the difficulty of major plumbing
work in a pre-existing building. Fundamentally, this issue
is resolved by tearing up floors and walls and running thousands
of feet of additional plumbing throughout the building to
accommodate the needs of hundreds of residential units. The
plumbing conversion process often leads underground, as well,
as the water flow in the building will undoubtedly increase,
requiring the retrofitting of the pre-existing sewer lines.
The conversion of office suites into residential use often
includes the introduction of balconies to the building, which
also requires the installation of drainage systems. The addition
of dozens of balconies and their drainage pipes often requires
inventive design by the architectural team in order to provide
the fundamental water removal while maintaining the visual
attractiveness and leasability of the property, as well as
meeting the clearance needs of the lower floor tenants.
When designing a mixed-use building, architects separate the
retail space from the multifamily space by designing entryways
that segregate residents from the retail shopper. Retail stores
access requirements differ from those of residential facilities,
and residential areas of the building should be shielded from
the often noisy and boisterous world of retail commerce. Of
course, this can be a very difficult accomplishment with a
conversion project. Because total separation of entryways
is often impossible, architects must think out of the
box to accommodate both users. Elevator lock-downs for
residential use are common practice when encountering this
obstacle, but security must be provided for all building uses.
Retail concourses must be architecturally enhanced to appear
seamless from the residential component by day, but secured
to prevent access from the public and upper floor residences
during retail off-hours.
Additionally, retail space in these conversion projects typically
consumes multiple floors. The average floorplate of a conversion
project is not typical of most major tenant prototype designs,
forcing them to operate multi-level facilities. This vertical
retailing normally requires the introduction of transportation
systems in order to efficiently move the consumers and their
goods between floors. Over-sized elevators and conveyor systems
are often introduced into the retail component of the conversions
to accomplish this and have been very effective at meeting
consumers needs.
In 2001, MCG was tasked with designing the retail component
of a major conversion at First Avenue and 61st Street in Manhattan.
The retail component consisted of a large Bed, Bath &
Beyond store, and the vertical retailing posed a significant
challenge. The layout of the existing building required the
introduction of centralized glass elevators, escalators, and
vermiports in order to transport shopping carts between the
retail floors. Vermiports, or shopping cart conveyors, had
never been utilized in New York, and required close coordination
with the city in order to receive approval for their use.
The success of this project, and conversion projects like
it, hinge upon the coordination of the team members, including
the architects, the developer, the contractor, and the city.
Design is often impacted by the existing structure, requiring
flexibility and creativity. A well-coordinated team, however,
can overcome the inherent challenges of a conversion project,
while successfully reusing a building that has outlived its
original purpose.
Jeff Gill is a managing principal with MCG Architecture.
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