NREB meets with the New York Developers to discover the
state of the Northeast market.
Roundtable chaired by Jerrold France, Katie Foxworth and Randall
Northeast Real Estate Business recently met with the New York
Developers, a group of development executives who actively
promote their region through an event at ICSCs Spring
Convention each year. The group also informally meets to discuss
issues in the region, and NREB joined at a recent meeting.
In attendance were Mitchell Salmon, vice president, New York
City-based Mall Properties Inc.; David Silver, corporate director
of marketing, Plainfield, New Jersey-based Levin Management
Corporation; Matthew Harding, president and chief operating
officer, Plainfield, New Jersey-based Levin Management Corporation;
Kenneth Breslin, president, Garden City, New York-based Breslin
Realty Inc.; Charles Serota, owner of Valley Stream, New York-based
Serota Properties; Joshua Weinkranz, director of real estate
for the New York Metropolitan Region, New Hyde Park, New York-based
Kimco Realty Corporation; and Stephen Ifshin, chairman of
Tarrytown, New York-based DLC Management Corporation.
NREB: Tell us about your group.
Ken Breslin
Breslin: We started this around 1998 as a consequence of
the Las Vegas parties were becoming too segmented and it was
becoming tougher to get people in one place. We started with
eight developers. It was the opening of the New York-New York
Hotel & Casino. We had an exceptional turnout that year.
After that, weve kept it to about 12 [developer] sponsors
and really the sponsors just generally contribute time, effort
and money. Our industry retail doesnt
have Oscars or awards or dinners. The center of our world
is in Las Vegas in May. Now that weve brought the vendors
into the party, weve had more and more support. Last
year we had 56 [vendor] sponsors.
NREB: How many times a year do you meet as a group?
Ifshin: Four or five times.
NREB: What are the objectives when you get together?
Serota: The objective for this group is the annual party that
we do in Las Vegas. And sometimes we talk about our businesses
together so we collectively know who is doing what and what
retailers are doing who is looking for locations and
so on in the Northeast.
NREB: What retailers are now pounding on your door that want
to get into the market?
Breslin: We have more restaurants than ever before.
Serota: Unfortunately, in some places in the Northeast, you
cannot build some of these restaurants because of health department
approvals. In the Southeast, you have easier regulations.
Land is very expensive in the Northeast, and you have the
approval process that takes longer.
Salmon: Most are national. Panera has obviously been very
aggressive in the market. Chipotle and that concept is well
supported. They are going to try to be as aggressive as conceivably
possible over the next 18 to 24 months. Charlie [Serota] is
not wrong; there is a highly developed super-saturated marketplace
in the Northeast. When a new concept comes in, they make promises
to their shareholders of 50 to 75 locations and they give
them their 75 open-to-buys over a 12- to 18-month period and
then they have to readjust that in 6 to 9 months when they
realize what the actual circumstances are in the environment
they are trying to enter.
Matthew Harding
Harding: Some of the national chains that are franchise-driven
seem to be rolling out a little better. Panera has done a
good job of that getting locals who know what is happening
in the market and are able to do deals more quickly.
Salmon: From the perspective of the investment of the landlord,
when it does break down to the franchisees, the landlord has
to be extremely careful. You have to really know the franchisee
you are going up against. When all is said and done, you can
put whatever franchisors name on the front cover of that lease,
but you are really going to have to rely to a great extent
on that franchisees expertise and its financial capacity
to stay in business. It is just the nature of how they are
Breslin: A lot of the deals were seeing now are having
the franchisor guarantee the franchisees obligation.
That is a difference in todays market.
Serota: Most lenders and institutions wont give you
financing for a franchisee where there is no money or no track
NREB: The franchisors are having a difficult time. They want
to open more stores but you have to have the franchisees.
Some of them are selling areas to a franchisee, but the one-offs
are probably more difficult.
Mitch Salmon
Salmon: In Parkchester, a franchisee opened the first Pizzeria
Uno restaurant in the Bronx. They put an enormous amount of
money into the installation. Were well into a seven-figure
installation. It was a very qualified group. And the franchisor
is still not 100 percent because it is the first venture into
a marketplace theyve never really been in before. It
should be exciting for them but youve really got to
look very hard at who youre dealing with. We did and
luckily they had the financial wherewithal to come through
with the investment.
NREB: Is Pizzeria Uno looking to open up more restaurants
in the Northeast?
Salmon: Theyll be a lot more apt to look for more as
long as this one is successful. They are looking, particularly
in the boroughs.
NREB: All of you own properties in really different areas
New Jersey, New York, the boroughs. What activity is
taking place in those areas?
Weinkranz: At Kimco over the past 2 years, weve been
dealing with a lot of tenants that have started to pull out
of malls and try the traditional strip centers.
Ifshin: Were really spread across the country. We dont
do a lot of deals with franchise restaurants because we dont
love the credit. We see a tremendous amount of pressure in
the market coming from the dollar stores, the discount stores,
the Tuesday Mornings, Big Lots, filling places that have been
very hard to fill. They are opening hundreds of stores a year.
They are starting to pay reasonable dollars. A lot of them
dont look for tremendous landlord installation.
NREB: Are you finding that type of retailer is really filling
a void?
Ifshin: The dollar stores generate a significant amount of
traffic. We generally buy centers that have needed work and
needed to be upgraded and needed the traffic that is generated
by tenants. We dont get a lot of resistance from the
majors against the concepts of dollar stores or Big Lots.
A lot of the majors now have off-price divisions of their
own that arent exactly at a higher level than some of
the dollar stores.
Serota: In the Northeast, you have a very sophisticated consumer.
Wal-Mart has articles in their stores and food products that
are different from the Northeast supermarkets that are entrenched
here. If the consumer wants Wal-Marts products, they
can go buy them, but most of them know what they want. What
is going to happen in the shake out of the supermarket business
is your guess. Eventually one of the major chains that we
have here is probably going to go broke or get taken up by
a larger chain. Something is going to happen. We have X amount
of people here. Everybody shops for food, but we have limited
land. They are paying high rents with low margins.
[Editors Note: Participants clarify they are discussing the
boroughs, the Long Island area, Westchester and New Jersey.]
Harding: I think in New Jersey you do see the supermarkets
reacting to Wal-Mart and Target coming in as well as Wegmans
coming in from the higher end. It is a very competitive environment
and [supermarkets] are having a tough time.
Salmon: There is always going to be a direct relationship
between the per capita income of a market and the influence
that Wal-Mart is going to have. In southern and midwestern
markets, you see a real impact. Wal-Mart can go up against
even a B enclosed shopping mall and have a significant impact.
But [in many projects here], you have a have a different consumer,
a different per capita income rate. [Developers and owners]
can be a little more selective and they can afford to say
no to Wal-Mart. Additionally, Costco is incredibly
explosive in the Northeast.
Ifshin: Outside this area, Wal-Mart is devastating to competitors.
They have put every major supermarket under pressure in areas
that they are. And now they are starting to put 40,000-square-foot
small markets around their Supercenters. We find that when
a Wal-Mart Supercenter opens against a supermarket, the grocery
stores take a hit sometimes as much as 20 percent.
They get some of it back over a year or 2 years, but they
have to compete fiercely to get it back.
NREB: The food aspect of our industry is so important in terms
of anchors to these centers. Do you have any other specialty,
high-end food stores other than Whole Foods coming into the
Serota: There is the King Kullen chain. They have a company
called Wild by Nature, which is an organic supermarket. They
have two right now, but they are going to open 10 or 12 of
them. They realize the market is there right now for them.
Whole Foods is in the Time Warner Center now, and Trader Joes
is going to start opening a lot more stores.
Salmon: Trader Joes is trying hard to find locations.
Whenever you go into the boroughs, almost every retailer has
to show physical flexibility [with store layouts] and also
demographic flexibility because the story isnt always
told by looking at it on a standard demographic sheet. You
really have to go to the neighborhoods and understand the
Serota: The boroughs are such a melting pot. You can go four
blocks and youre in Japan. Another four blocks and youre
in China or an Italian neighborhood. Youve got to understand
the customer where you are, especially here.
Harding: Whole Foods is another example of a store putting
pressure on traditional supermarkets. Theyve gone from
a 25,000- or 30,000-square-foot store to a 60,000-square-foot
store and are putting in more everyday-priced lines.
Salmon: A few years ago, there was an unbelievable onslaught
of drugstores coming in. Now those 10,000- to 12,000-square-foot
blocks are coming back into the market. That is where youll
see the Trader Joes and the King Kullen concepts. They
can fill those neighborhood niches and become very functional.
NREB: When people look at the Northeast, particularly the
boroughs and New Jersey, they get the impression that nothing
new can come in. Are there new retailers coming into the market
that are filling a void?
Salmon: Home Depot is going crazy to try to fit themselves
into the boroughs.
Ifshin: Retail in the boroughs will change dramatically in
the next 10 years because major players in the retail business
the big box guys understand that
there is a tremendous untapped market here. They havent
really figured out how to get to it, but they are starting
to figure it out. They might be getting to it on the fringes
of Manhattan as opposed to in Manhattan, like Home Depot.
Target is in the Bronx now. That Target is going to draw from
all over Manhattan because it has parking. IKEA is in Brooklyn;
Costco is in Brooklyn; Lowes is in Brooklyn. There is
a dramatic change coming in New York City real estate as the
national companies figure out they can make a living here.
There is a density here that they dont find in the suburbs.
NREB: How do you as a group look at lifestyle centers in the
Harding: We manage several lifestyle centers in New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. They are very successful. It gets back to
what we were talking about before with everybody being pressed
for time and the mall retailers seeing that they need to get
to a more convenient place. We manage The Shoppes at Union
Hill in Denville, New Jersey. It is very successful and has
a great lineup of tenants.
NREB: On the investment side, are you buying? Are you selling?
Ifshin: Interest rates have made the current cap rate compression
palatable, if you will. Clearly, if youre looking to
buy in this area with the kind of money we invest, it is probably
virtually impossible to find any kind of value to our investors.
By looking in places that are less attractive in the Northeast,
you do have the ability to source deals that are affordable
if you dont chase them and if you leave the bidding
process when it gets too expensive. Weve bought about
$180 million of properties this year. Weve been able
to find some value in the marketplace, but you have to search
very hard for it and you have to be aggressive in getting
Salmon: It is almost impossible today to find a property prospectus
or an offering with a price. That is when you know youre
in trouble.
Serota: Nationals that come here are in this for the long
term and dont care what they pay. [Foreign money is]
inflating the price of real estate in the Northeast. As businessmen
here, we cant understand how they can afford to do that,
but they do it. It is great if you want to sell something.
Ifshin: There is more than foreign pressure on the market.
The 1031 market has pressurized values dramatically. The other
thing that I think has inherently changed the market is the
investment brokerage community. All of the elements have achieved
dramatic results by giving the brokers from the major companies
the ability to market them exclusively. They put an incredible
amount of pressure on pricing and it is very hard to break
NREB: Around the country, there are constantly new developers
coming into markets. In this market, is there an opportunity
for that? Or are all the old-line companies the king of the
road as far as retail in the Northeast?
Serota: In the Northeast, there are a lot of families that
have been entrenched here for many years. And the foreign
money is coming in here. And there are the REITs. Those are
the three categories of investors in the Northeast at the
moment. There is very little left for a new guy. You need
knowledge of the Northeast, the zoning and regulations here.
And you better have a lot of capital because youre going
to sit for a while to get something approved.
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